Faith Leaders

The Faith Leaders are a group of children from Year 1 to Year 6, who help to support and develop the Catholic Life of our school. 

This group play a key role in organising and participating in Liturgies, Masses, Class Collective Worship and arranging Whole School Charity Initiatives each term. The children work closely with members of staff who support the pupils in this important role.

Rhian, Lena, Cecilia, Daisy, Penelope, Martin, Amelia, Reeva,

Jesse, Kane, Dylan, Amelie



 In October, we organised time to pray The Rosary with our loved ones. We reflected on different mysteries and said a decade together. 

We also celebrated Harvest time. Thank you for all the food and drink donations for The London and Slough Charitable Trust. 


Throughout November, we thought about those we have lost. The Faith Leaders led their class liturgy in the prayer garden and everyone took the time to sit in silence and reflect. 

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Chalfont St. Peter Remembrance Parade. It is always so wonderful to take part in events in our local community. 


During Advent, the Faith Leaders prepared boxes for the Rotary Shoebox Scheme. The donations were sent to spread a little happiness to disadvantaged children and adults in Eastern Europe. 

We also provided Christmas hampers for the SVP to distribute to those in need from St Joseph's Parish. 


January & February:

We began 2025 by launching the Jubilee Year at St Joseph's. The Faith Leaders led a whole school assembly where they shared facts about the jubilee and explained how we would celebrate the launch. Each class has made a panel for our special door and a canvas which reflects a quote about hope. 

Below is the prayer of hope we will be sharing in school.