Religious Education
Leader: Mrs S Davies
To aid children to acquire and develop a knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith. To see our mission (Love, Learn, Grow) embedded across the RE curriculum. To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum. Children will deepen their religious and theological understanding and are able to communicate this effectively. To promote each child’s intrinsic capacity for wonder, awe, reverence and spirituality. The RE curriculum will lead children to aspire to be more through the learning of their responsibilities, with the experiences of church, Catholic and Christian traditions. Children to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life. To raise pupils' awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them. Lessons will be a place where children feel like they belong to the school community, where everyone one is respected for their beliefs, but where ultimately, all achieve. |
Teachers create a learning environment where children have a positive attitude allowing them to be motivated learners. The Come and See Programme of Study and To Know You More Clearly Directory allows scaffolding for lessons which promote high quality learning experiences where all children are engaged and challenged. Lessons are carefully planned to ensure interesting hooks are provided so pupils are curious and retain knowledge. Writing within RE is a priority, teachers provide children with lessons which enable them to write in different genres whilst high-quality resources support and encourage children to achieve high standards. Throughout the academic year, children learn about other world religions. Focus weeks allow pupils to continue their exposure to the broad curriculum and provide opportunities to meet and visit people, further developing their respect for others. Low floor high ceiling assessment tasks are used to regularly identify gaps in learning and for teachers to identify those pupils who are working at greater depth. These tasks influence the continual assessment completed on Insight. Catholic life is reflected in all lessons where children feel safe to discuss their ideas and our Catholic teachings are evident throughout the school in children's behaviour. |
Children will gain the appropriate age-related objectives in RE, through this progression they will have clarity between their faith and their life. Their religious vocabulary will have been expanded allowing them to orally share their rich knowledge and understanding of the subject. Regular and robust monitoring provides high expectations in all year groups resulting in outstanding outcomes. Within the STCAT networking, moderation of planning, lessons and books ensures progression is made across all year groups. All pupils are provided with opportunity to contribute to collective worship, Faith Leaders are equipped with the skills to lead and support their peers. Precise assessment will ensure children strive to do their best and all pupils will achieve their maximum potential. Children will enjoy their Religious Education and this will contribute to their love of the whole curriculum. The Religious Education curriculum shapes who children will become in their future in the wider world. |
Parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and Collective Worship but any parent considering this course of action should make an appointment to see the Headteacher first.