Our guiding principle is one of Inclusion and that of a person-centred approach. We aim to provide quality first teaching for all of our pupils so that no child is left behind. This includes appropriate differentiation for individual pupils, the use of high-quality resources and effective use of additional adult support. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment that will enable children to achieve their full potential and to bridge the gap with their peers. 

We work in liaison with other professionals to ensure children have access to specialist support, physical resources and expertise. most importantly we seek to work with parents and families to ensure full equal access to every aspect of learning.

The Local Authority (Education, Local Authority and Health) has published their revised Ordinary Available Provision document, which details the expected provision to be made available in mainstream schools for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and / or Difficulties (SEND). This document can be found below.

If you have any queries about the support of your child at school please contact our SENCO Mrs Karen Ford

Further Information and Useful Links

SEND Policy 2024-2025

SEN Information Report September 2024

Bucks Ordinarily Available Provision

Dyslexia Useful Apps & Programmes


Bucks SENDIAS Service


British Dyslexia Organisation

Bucks Autism Toolbox

I Can Charity